#9: How do I manage junk food?

with Evelyn Tribole, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S

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In this episode we discuss:

  • when and why food rules become problematic

  • the role of superiority, inferiority, shame, and guilt in feeding families

  • intuitive eating as an empowerment tool

  • the role of wellness culture in attaching moral value to different foods

  • why the term “junk food” is problematic and evelyn uses “play food” instead

  • the need for parents to consider overall well-being and psychosocial health over just nutritional health

  • why “all foods fit”

  • how children are raised to relate to food in France

  • how to begin to integrate play food in your family if you’ve been limiting it

  • research showing that restricting access to a food increases children’s interest in that food

  • Zoe and leslie’s experiences and challenges implementing intuitive eating with their kids

  • how to manage the awkward transition when trying out a new approach to food

In the second installment of a two episode series, award-winning dietitian and author Evelyn Tribole helps us figure out the best ways to handle “junk food” with kids (and why she uses the term “play food” instead). Zoë and Leslie also reflect on their own progress and challenges implementing what they’ve learned from the podcast so far with their families.

Get our guide to body-positive parenting, including the page for this podcast episode.


evelyn tribole, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S is an award-winning registered dietitian with a nutrition counseling practice in Newport Beach, California specializing in eating disorders and intuitive eating. she is the author of nine books. in 1995 she co-pioneered the concept of intuitive eating in her book Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program that Works, which has become the go-to resource on making peace with food and cultivating a healthy relationship with food, mind, and body. she is a sought-after speaker on nutrition and health, and also trains health professionals in how to help their clients through the process of intuitive eating. Today there are over 600 certified intuitive eating counselors in 17 countries, and over 80 studies showing the benefits of intuitive eating. Evelyn’s achievements and honors include receiving the American Dietetic Association’s Award for Excellence in Private Practice.

Connect with Evelyn on her website, twitter, and instagram, and check out her books.

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