#79: How do I raise an adventurous eater? Part 2

with Dani Lebovitz, RD

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In this episode we discuss…

  • How to encourage kids to be adventurous eaters through a special hands-on demonstration.

This week Dani Lebovitz, of Kid Food Explorers, returns for a real time demonstration of how to build food acceptance skills, featuring two very special guests: Zoë’s kids! In this very practical episode, Dani leads Noah (6) and Leo Bisbing (7.5) on a food exploration adventure, using their 5 senses... in search of delicious!

Dani Lebovitz is a pediatric registered dietitian nutritionist, early childhood education advocate, and Mom of 3. Her mission is to help parents as they guide their kids in a transformative relationship with food, using hands-on learning and sensory engagement with food education to foster curiosity and transform picky kids into adventurous eaters. She focuses on food literacy with the integration of STEAM activities (science, technology, engineering, arts, math), sensory exploration, and food play to make everyday meals into teachable moments.

Connect with Dani on Instagram, and her website.

Resources mentioned or recommended:

Jordan Best