#42: How can I raise my family to be truly anti-diet?

with Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, CDN

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In this episode we discuss…

  • christy’s background as a journalist and how her own struggle with disordered eating led her to study nutrition

  • how discovering intuitive eating and health at every size® transformed christy’s relationship with food and career path

  • what it means to be “anti-diet” — and how to distinguish it from “anti fad diet” or disguised diet culture

  • the core beliefs and values of diet culture and how they are manifested

  • how diet culture oppresses people who do not match up with its image of health

  • external weight stigma, internalized weight stigma, and shame people experience as a result

  • how internalized weight stigma, shame, food phobia, and fat phobia take people away from pursuing more meaningful purposes

  • the definition of thin privilege

  • intrapersonal, interpersonal, and institutional fat phobia — and how only people in larger bodies experience the latter

  • thin privilege as being able to go to the doctor for strep throat and just get treated for strep throat

  • how to spot the “wellness diet”

  • why christy uses quotes around “obesity”

  • why it’s challenging to dismantle diet culture despite all the evidence about its harm

  • why people turn to food and “wellness” to treat autoimmune disorders, and research on the effectiveness of doing so

  • christy’s answer to the million dollar question

Anti-diet dietitian and podcast host Christy Harrison joins us to shed light on why our culture is so obsessed with weight loss and/or wellness. We discuss why weight stigma — which harms all of us — is the result, and what it means to be truly anti-diet.

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Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, CDN is an anti-diet registered dietitian nutritionist and certified intuitive eating counselor based in New York City. She offers online courses and private intuitive eating coaching to help people all over the world make peace with food and their bodies. Since 2013 Christy has hosted Food Psych, a weekly podcast exploring people’s relationships with food and paths to body liberation. It is now one of iTunes’ top 100 health podcasts, reaching tens of thousands of listeners worldwide each week. 
Christy began her career in 2003 as a journalist covering food, nutrition, and health, and she’s written for major publications including The New York Times, SELF, BuzzFeed, Refinery29Gourmet, SlateThe Food Network, and many more. Her forthcoming book, Anti-Diet: Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-Being, and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating, will be published by Little, Brown Spark in December of 2019 and is available for pre-order now. 

Connect with Christy on her website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Resources mentioned:

Jordan Best